Games and puzzles


This section shows some interesting games played and annotated by our members.

Fighting the London System: A Knight's Tour

Phil Watkinson, playing black reached the positon below. Can you spot the winning tactic that he found? Open this link to see the full game. Click on the left arrow for the game with annotations, or click right to select earlier games from the dropdown menu.


Here are some interesting combinations that happened or could have happened in our games.

No. 12 - White to play

Click on this link for more tactics puzzles.


These are generally compositions. Often, white has to play and mate in two moves, but there are other kinds.

No. 13

From the initial position, construct a game where white plays 1.f3, 2.Kf2, 3.Kg3 and 4.Kh4 and black delivers checkmate with this 4th move. Thanks to Jim Bingham for this one. Solution Click on this link for more problems.
The last move was Be7-h4, with an annoying pin on the g3 knight. However there is a spectacular winning combination for white here. Solution