Theoretical endgames - the 10 endgames you
should know
Martin Burrows, 7 January 2025
Part two: Rook and Pawn endgames
Endgames with rook and pawns are the most common reached in practice, so it is worth spending some time to understand the key ideas.
There will usually be more than one pawn on the board, but it is very useful to know which positions you should be looking to trade down to,
or to avoid. As a general principle, the most important feature in rook and pawn endgames is the activity of the rook. The defending side can
often draw by giving a series of checks, but this only works if the rook has enough space to work in.
4. Lucena
This is the technique for winning when the defending King is cut off.
5. Philidor
This is the drawing mechanism available when the defending King is in front of the pawn.
6. Vancura
This arises when the white Rook is in front of a rook pawn. First we need to consider the position with the pawn on the 7th rank.
The position is more complicated when the pawn is on the 6th rank.
Part 3 looks at some other endgames you should know.