
Here are some interesting combinations that happened or could have happened in our games.

No. 11 - White to play

No. 10 - Black to play

No. 9 - White to play and mate in 2

Alan Byron reached this winning position against GM Oleg Korneev at the recent South Wales International tournament. Can you find the forced mate that Alan missed? Solution

No.5 - White to play and win

No.4 - Black to play and win

In this position black played 23...Qe6 and white managed to convert his extra pawn into a win. How could black have turned the tables? Solution

No.3 - White to play and win

This position is from the recent county match against Suffolk. Can you do better than me and find the winning line against International Master Alan Merry? Solution

No.2 - White to play and draw

This position is taken from a game played by former member Matthew Wilson at the recent Gibraltar Masters. Matthew’s opponent, rated 2157 lost on time trying to find an adequate defence to the mate threat on g2. Can you do better? It is a difficult puzzle, but you can narrow down the lines as white can only play moves that prevent immediate mate. The main line needs you to find the first 3 moves. Solution

No.1 - White to play and win

This is a variation that could have occurred in the game Burrows - Barnes from the last round of the Atkins tournament. Normally a knight and 2 pawns beat a bishop, but here the pieces are in a tangle. How can white win this? Solution

No.6 - White to play and win

From a recent event in Biel, Switzerland. White has sacrificed the exchange and got a pawn and good compensation for it. Can you find the knockout blow that both players missed? Solution
Stefan Savic reached this position in an online game and found a very nice mate in 5. Solution

No.7 - White to play and mate in 5

No.8 - Black to play and mate in 3

Phil Watkinson has provided a position from his game in the recent match against Melton 2: “Black to move and its mate in three. I had moved my rook to c3 on the previous move, thinking of attacking the b3 pawn but suddenly saw the mate in three, so clearly and obviously correct. It was a weird feeling of being so certain and I wish it could happen more frequently.” Solution
From a recent game played by Phil Watkinson in the online 4NCL. Solution
The position arose from a recent game in division 2. White, having done well from the opening has just played Bxe7, which turns out to be a mistake. a) In the game, black replied with Kxe7. What was wrong with this? b) Can you see how black could now turn things around and gain a clear advantage for himself? Solution
White has sacrificed two pawns for a dangerous attack and needs to find a convincing breakthrough. The solution is quite difficult, but just remember to always consider checks, captures and threats (possibly in that order)! Solution